
209 Movie Reviews

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Creative concept...

I like how it built up. Ill check out the sequal.

MegaJohnny responds:

Thanks, I actually made this a while ago and slapped on and ending and a preloader for NG. Lol, I've only just realised that it DOES build up... Thanks dude!

I still have to give some credit.

It looked great...then i saw Bill Cosby. So thats the time he was sent to? Maybe u should have sonic and Cosby fight eachother, or something, otherwise it feels like wasted talent. I have mixed feelings on the outcome but we do know you have skills so good job. And that was funny....sorta.

Ok its good.

I found easter eggs in the backround. It was funny, i wouldve liked to see more job choices. Good concept.

tvirus responds:

i was thinking about making a couple more, but i didn't had much time. it was due today. lol

A few friendly suggestions...

I like the animation. It however felt wasted in some departments.
First of all I know you want to tribute to DBZ but dont over due the dramatic pauses too much. It was one pause leading to another and then there were 20 seconds of action. Perhaps some introduction in the begining (even a helpful text) wouldve helped understand the story its taking place at.
Basically i saw, a frieza/buu stick figure standing there for 1 minute, then blasting a rock, then a saiyan getting pissed..then fighting (the good part).
Im ok with that, but dialogue would be very nice next time.

He he not bad.

It was kinda plain, but still satisfying. Perhaps voice actors would be nice. Good 4 its file size. Ill try to save it^^

Cenarion responds:

Yeah, I would have added voices, but I was haveing minor audio sync problems and I can't speak like 2 different people... I'll try to do that in the future, though.

Well...it can pass...maybe

The animation isnt the best but it was still funny. You couldve made a good nutshell out of the concept. And maybe did some real tweening, but it can pass. Just dont expect a high score.

Cheerios4u98 responds:

Bleh, I hate Nutshells. Even if this IS similar, I really hate nutshell cartoons :p


Chris is dead and SEGA is saved! Yes! Seriously, Im no fan of Sonic x. Chris is always steeling minor character rolls from sonic adventures. FUCK OFF WANNABEE. Good Job^^. Just touch up the drawings.

2BadGanje responds:

They should have kept Sonic X the same was that is was in the Japanese version, and just not bothered with any member of the Thorndyke family. I suck at drawing with a mouse, but I'll consider what you said anyways


Would you expect old people to rap good?
Perhaps you couldve made it longer

You dont see that every day...

That was a funny movie.
The graphics could use some touching up though.
Try staying away from the stick figures.

I lived

Jon 'Biggerboot' Sewertendo @ChaosCriticisor

Age 32, Male

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U.S.A., NJ

Joined on 11/26/05

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