
209 Movie Reviews

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It was cool...

but its not a game, update that its a movie.

Not bad....

The graphics were good. The idea was good, trying to figure out where bannana phone came from. The part with the barrel factory being involved was odd, and that bin laden and bush were involved.
It got more random as it went on but overall, i really liked the style.

That was funny

Very funny but very overly ranked. It has the humor but lacks in graphics. To me, if all the aparments dont fill up, it shouldnt be in the top 10 of all time.

Its good but..

Not #1 material. Don't get me wrong, the graphics are great, and it goes perfectly with the music, but how did it get #1? Its only about a 1 3/4 minute flash and its not really that funny, is Newgrounds anime crazy??? But it still deserves the awards it got and all, but it got to be rated so high for something quite simple. I can still find atleast 3 flashes in 45 minutes that are a little better. But it still deserves alot of credit, no doubt, and i say that because I know how hard flash is to do. And even though i think its over appritiated it still gets that 10 ^^

If only a zealot could really move like that

That would be so awesome...then again, protoss would be totally rigged. lol!

No lie from the last dude

Infact, this was the 1st flash i saw on ebaum. Ever since i learned that he's steeling i dispise the website.

Anyway good job. It was a funny parody, and the blood really made it stick to the idea. I like how his head grows at the end.
But i still like mario...O well i can take a joke.

Well well well..

It seems mario should've just won the old fashion way, or in this game, he'd be called JumpMan.


No complaints here, it had action, and humor at some parts, and good music choices. I knew all of 'em.


Puuuunch Baaaaaaag! I like the second punchbag even more than the 1st!

RogerregoRRoger responds:

who doesn't :)

I lived

Jon 'Biggerboot' Sewertendo @ChaosCriticisor

Age 32, Male

IT Guy

U.S.A., NJ

Joined on 11/26/05

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