
209 Movie Reviews

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Honestly the animation is aite but the thumbnail almost made me flag it ngl.

Haha, at last!

I'm glad you decided to continue this series - especially with your Starcraft 2 foreshadowing.

That being said, I expect better from the Terran and Protoss eps, some of the jokes were very predictable. I still enjoyed it though.

Ehhh, the animation is decent but...

In the future if you're attempting something that's actually good, try to have better pacing in your action and more camera movements. Also don't fall victim to the LP/DBZ stereotype from the early 2000s.

Lastly, and I can't stress this enough, the dialogue needs to be better. I understand it was sort of a plot less animation so I'll let it go but surely with the effort that went into the animation you can do better.

Haha, bronies.

I have lots of brony friends that I'm sure can appreciate this flash cartoon, Spazkid.

Feels like the weakest one...

Only half of the jokes were winners and a some I already saw on DA or youtube; they're already viral. But I guess I should expect that when you have eager artists who don't want to wait until the anniversary of Sonic 4 to show their work.

It was also kinda short... for a Shorts collection

Sonic 4 trailer more liek

Sonic in a nutshell. Norly, this was ok. I liked the idea and all, especially that he woke up from the crappy games, but just practice drawing.


It wasn't bad... for a first submission, but damn it man, anyone can get daily 5th these days. It was just a few tweens a one joke that might just get a chuckle. The tea-bag was predictable.

It was... meh... I've seen better.

Just when I thought it was getting stale.

I have to admit, the dialogue this time around seemed to be lacking, although it had some good jokes in there. But the action scenes made up for it. It was also refreshing to see you mix in drawn parts here and there. The 3d model of the doomship was interesting, but couldve used more texture.

Not the best episode, but the best action scenes by far.

The fact that there IS a part 2 is hilarious...

Seriously, 7 years and you decide to make a part 2. Im like blown away, I remember seeing your parody the first day I was on NG.

Still, it didnt have the same magic, maybe because it was alot longer than the first and it moved faster, plus the concept of the first was simple, vegeta stomping the shit out of sonic. Thanks for the memories tho.

Rikimaru-Azlar responds:

haha, yeah Sonic vs Vegeta was created out of silly dispute about the two characters. Azlar made the original to try and wind me up, recently I; Rikimaru, decided to reply to it (not an easy task) but I did it none the less. The result is a weeks work studying DBZ and messing around with samples. I apologise greatly for creating it hahah

I never realised how evil that thing was.

I liked how you got creative with the world inside the mac, and flashing back to the OS itself. Nicely animated and directed.

The sequel should be the hourglass of doom. Good job!

I lived

Jon 'Biggerboot' Sewertendo @ChaosCriticisor

Age 32, Male

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U.S.A., NJ

Joined on 11/26/05

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